Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I always read reviews.

Whenever I am researching something on the Internet I look up reviews. From cars, to hotels, to vacuums, to restaurants, it always impacts my final decision. I don't just want to know how good a business or a product thinks they are. I want to know about peoples experience, and their outcome.

So I have a great deal for anyone who has had a service performed by me in the last 10 years! Write an online review about the service(s) and you will get 50% off of your next scheduled appointment! It doesn't matter where you write your review, google, salonfinder, blog, etc.

You must have your half off appointment scheduled by May 31, 2011.

Write a review and call today to schedule a 50% appointment. That is IF you aren't already scheduled :) 801.913.6524

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


In support of the Race for the Cure everyone who joins our team will recieve a FREE Renewing Facial! Why should you join?...
1) We are supporting Breast Cancer research.
2) We meet on race day at the Sandy Trax station and start our adventure together:)
3) We all love boobs.
4) All we do is talk and walk (even with strollers).
5) We are supporting Breast Cancer research.
6) We meet afterwards at the South Towne Mimi's Cafe and eat, and talk, and eat, and talk, and ....... you get the point.
7) We are showing our support for everyone who has endured through Breast Cancer.
8) We are supporting Breast Cancer Research.
9) Our team name is.......... BIG MOES HUGE CONES!!!!!! (Customized shirts are in the works for next year)

*Runners are welcome, but may be required to eat a donut prior to the race so the rest of us slackers can feel better about themselves.

There is no excuse! You can even support our team and "sleep in for the cure". If you don't walk you had better pony up some money to help us reach our team goal.

Go to www.komenslc.org, Click on register today, Then join a team. You can search our team by team name BIG MOES HUGE CONES, or by team company MELISSA HENDERSON AESTHETICS. From there fill out the registration forms and I will be notified that you are on our team:)

If you want to see our team page you can access the link through my Facebook page. Search Facebook for Melissa Henderson Aesthetics. Don't forget to "like" me.

Any questions or to schedule your FREE Renewing facial please call 801.913.6524