It's official. Winter is here, and with the snow comes dry, itchy, sometimes cracked skin. Try some useful tips that will help you be more comfortable in your own skin :)
1) Hydrate from the inside out. No, this won't immediately make your skin feel like you live in a tropical climate. Staying properly hydrated makes your entire system function better. It will also keep your immune system strong to fight all of those nasty winter bugs. I don't follow the "rule of 8" It doesn't work for everyone. Instead divide your weight in half and drink that many ounces of water. For instance if you weigh 150 lbs., drink 75 oz of water. Also, using a humidifier in your house can work wonders while you sleeping or enjoying a TV night on the couch.
2) Exfoliate. I know you think "my skin is so dry I will just load on the lotion". Which is a good thought....after you get rid of all of the dead skin cells on the surface. There are great products out there that are amazing for our face and body, buy don't over look some simple things you can do at home. While your in the shower, after you have washed your face, use a CLEAN washcloth to remove your cleanser. When your done make sure the washcloth goes into the laundry. Do not use it again after it drips dry, it could be harboring bacteria. For your body try a loofah. If those steps just don't seem to be cutting it, try a professional home care exfoliant. You can use them 2-3 times a week and they will have your skin glowing in no time.
3) Moisturize. You may have a moisturizer that you love, but now it just doesn't seem to be getting the job done. Many people need a thicker moisturizer in the winter. Make sure that if you are making a change during the winter months that it still has an SPF of 15 or higher. Even though you may feel like the weather outside is dreary, the UV rays are still getting through the clouds.
4) Licking is for ice cream cones, not your lips. One of the first areas to show dehydration or environmental assault is your kisser! The best way to protect your pout in the winter is to use a good lip product. My absolute favorite is Burt's Bee's lip balm. It's inexpensive, easy to find, and has good ingredients. It will help protect, but it doesn't do much in the way of healing. It does have peppermint in it so it has a great tingly feeling. If your lips are very dry try to rub some sugar on them at night before bed and then apply your lip product. By morning your lips will be so much closer to be kissable again :)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Special Offer!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Coming Soon: Salt of the Earth!!!!!!!

Starting about this time every year I hear my clients say the same thing. "My skin is sooo dry. It's itchy, and lotion doesn't help." Every year for the past 9 years I have thought about this wonderful product I used to use and I never got around to ordering it in. Well, since we are starting fresh I have decided it is FINALLY time.
Salt of the Earth is a company that I have loved for nearly 10 years! They are a local company that uses salts from the Great Salt Lake in their salt scrubs. The grape seed oil is imported from Italy and is of the highest standards. The sugar in the sugar scrubs is food grade and is the same that high end bakeries use. One of the other things that I love about their product is there are very few ingredients. Which means you will actually be able to read and recognize the ingredients on the label. Some of their scents do use fragrance but they are soo delicious. However, if you are sensitive to fragrance they also have some products that only use essential oils.
They have over 50 yummy scents, including some that are only seasonal. I want them all but I don't think I have enough room :( So help me out. Give me a call or email me and let me know what some of your favorites are. Make sure to give me your address so I can send you a sample.
The crisp, clever and totally cool signature scent for a girl’s night out.
Yummy vanilla-mandarin sweet summer treat - wear with short shorts and sunglasses.
Revitalize with this deliciously tempting scent – it’s a tangy, fruity garden of delight
Goldilock's blend - It's not too bold, it's not too timid... it's just right.
You’re the ‘Bond Girl’- mixing adventure, glamour and mile-high stilettos.
Paired with a little black dress, this is a classic, elegant fragrance with a regal touch.
Autumn stars align perfectly as this rich vanilla and caramel paired with cinnamon, clove and nutmeg come
together for the ultimate finale.
Get out your favorite cashmere at the first sign of a chill in the air with this sentimental comfort fragrance.
Dash out for a coffee run then wrap yourself in a cozy comfort with this homebaked, butter, luscious scent.
Sugar-toasted decadence by the fire on a snowed-in winter night.
Spoil yourself every day without guilt by indulging in this calorie-free decadence.
This snuggly scent with a touch of sass is a sumptuous treat to indulge in anytime.
Revitalize with this deliciously tempting scent – it’s a tangy, fruity garden of delight
Paired with a little black dress, this is a classic, elegant fragrance with a regal touch.
Anything is possible with this delicately mystical elixir of lavender and vanilla
A classic pirouette of a fragrance brings out your inner ballerina.
Be the snow angel with this invigorating, frosty and fresh fragrance.
Try not to purrrrr with this sexy, creamy, delicious scent.
Most products run around the $25 range. I can't lie, with the way most of these sound I want to swim in half of them and eat the other half!
Remember to call or email your favorites!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
What exactly are Parabens?
Lets start with the fancy shmancy talk.
World English Dictionary: Any ester of parahydroxybenzoic acid, some of which are used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and have been found in breast cancer tumours.
~Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009~
Medical Dictionary: Either of two antifungal agents used as preservatives in foods and pharmaceuticals:
~Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.~
Now that that is out of the way.... How many times have you read paraben free? Or heard someone talk about it and didn't have the first clue as to why it was so important. So here's my 411 for you.
They are preservative, bactericidal, and fungicidal ingredients used in a wide variety of household items. They can be found in shaving gels, shampoos, toothpaste, moisturizers, and even some food products. Because they have such a low cost and there are not effective natural alternatives they are in a lot of products we use on our bodies. So, why then, you ask is it a problem to use them? Because studies have shown that they can mimic estrogen, which is linked to the development of breast cancer.
To be fair studies have shown that the link, if there really is one, is weak. However, that being said, I'm not about to put these in or on my body OR on my clients. Professional skincare products will not have them in their ingredient list. Most reputable companies have taken them out of their products as well.
Here are some ingredients to look for on your labels:
Don't hesitate to turn the package over and take a look for yourself.
World English Dictionary: Any ester of parahydroxybenzoic acid, some of which are used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and have been found in breast cancer tumours.
~Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009~
Medical Dictionary: Either of two antifungal agents used as preservatives in foods and pharmaceuticals:
~Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.~
Now that that is out of the way.... How many times have you read paraben free? Or heard someone talk about it and didn't have the first clue as to why it was so important. So here's my 411 for you.
They are preservative, bactericidal, and fungicidal ingredients used in a wide variety of household items. They can be found in shaving gels, shampoos, toothpaste, moisturizers, and even some food products. Because they have such a low cost and there are not effective natural alternatives they are in a lot of products we use on our bodies. So, why then, you ask is it a problem to use them? Because studies have shown that they can mimic estrogen, which is linked to the development of breast cancer.
To be fair studies have shown that the link, if there really is one, is weak. However, that being said, I'm not about to put these in or on my body OR on my clients. Professional skincare products will not have them in their ingredient list. Most reputable companies have taken them out of their products as well.
Here are some ingredients to look for on your labels:
Don't hesitate to turn the package over and take a look for yourself.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
NEW Sassy Chic Jewelry!
Remember everything that I carry from Sassy Chic Jewelry is under $20! That includes the items that come WITH earrings. I'm loving these super cute, trendy, affordable accessories. It's so much fun to see what she will bring me next!

In addition to the heart there is also a sparkley turquoise butterfly, both come with earrings.

Love the new cuffs! Silver beaded braclets are not stretch and have a great toggle clasp. 801.913.6524
In addition to the heart there is also a sparkley turquoise butterfly, both come with earrings.
Love the new cuffs! Silver beaded braclets are not stretch and have a great toggle clasp. 801.913.6524
Sassy Chic,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Product spotlight: Photo Age Environmental Protection Gel SPF 15 (aka moisturizer with sunscreen)
One of the most common statements I hear is "Oh, I NEED a wrinkle cream". Well here it is. The first step to younger looking, healthier skin is SUNSCREEN! This is by far my best selling product and one of my personal favorites. A whole lot of people are afraid that using sunscreen daily will make them feel oily and like all of the dirt sticks to your face when the wind blows. This, my friends, is not your average sunscreen. Light weight, great SPF protection and it smells super yummy.
Here is what the geniuses at Glymed have to say about it:
"Photo-Age Protection Gel SPF 15 anti aging sun protection is a blend of a perfectly balanced, water-based SPF 15 formula integrating the power of bioscience and physical sun blockers. Photo-Age Protection Gel incorporates micronized liposomes that immediately deliver antioxidant extracts of Matricaria flower and Cascara bark in a formula so decadent you can?t believe it is so good for your skin. Our biggest selling anti aging sun protection gel!
Available in: 4.0 oz.
Active Ingredients: Benzophenone-3 2.0%, Octinoxate 7.5%, Titanium Dioxide 1.0% "
I could go on, and on, and on, but this is a spotlight. Not an 8 hour seminar on sunscreen. (It's sooo hard to stop myself!) If you would like more info, or would like to come in for a treatment(which I can finish off with this amazing product), or to pick some up, give me a jingle.
Here is what the geniuses at Glymed have to say about it:
"Photo-Age Protection Gel SPF 15 anti aging sun protection is a blend of a perfectly balanced, water-based SPF 15 formula integrating the power of bioscience and physical sun blockers. Photo-Age Protection Gel incorporates micronized liposomes that immediately deliver antioxidant extracts of Matricaria flower and Cascara bark in a formula so decadent you can?t believe it is so good for your skin. Our biggest selling anti aging sun protection gel!
Available in: 4.0 oz.
Active Ingredients: Benzophenone-3 2.0%, Octinoxate 7.5%, Titanium Dioxide 1.0% "
I could go on, and on, and on, but this is a spotlight. Not an 8 hour seminar on sunscreen. (It's sooo hard to stop myself!) If you would like more info, or would like to come in for a treatment(which I can finish off with this amazing product), or to pick some up, give me a jingle.
wrinkle cream
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The worst 4 letter word... ACNE!
Go bite a bar of soap! How many of us cringe when we wake up in the morning and another little red friend has snuck up on us in our sleep?
The truth of the matter is that Acne affects us through out our entire life. Some of us more when we were teenagers and some of us as adults. There are a variety of reasons each of us has breakouts. From hormones, what's in our diet, to what we are putting on our faces. Most of us feel like there is little we can do without taking a trip to the doc. Sometimes, though only in very serious cases, a trip to the doc can be just the ticket. Between using rubbing alcohol (eek! Don't do that!) as an astringent and an expensive trip to the office, there are many stops along the way. Hmmm...let me think... oh yeah! Like coming in to see me!
The best way to fight acne lesions is EDUCATION! You need to be educated about your skin and how it functions. And NO, the commercials on TV do not count! The more you know about your skin and what types of ingredients in products are best for acne the better off you are to fight, fight, fight! There are two ways we can take these little buggers head on.
Home care It is so important that you are using the correct products at home. The key word there is USING. No, not all products are created equal. If you aren't going to use them at all, then you might as well give up now. What you use at home is super important. Something that isn't strong enough, isn't gonna cut it. Something that is too strong is just gonna make matters worse. So, how do you know what product to use and if it is right for your skin? Easy, it's vital that you have a professional skin care therapist to head you in the right direction.
Clinical Acne Treatments Along with knowing what to do at home you need someone who knows there limits when it coming to "popping that zit". We are going to say extract the acne lesion. Not only does is sound nicer my way, it IS nicer. I know my limits. I won't dig, and dig, and dig until your are bleeding, red, and more swollen than when you started. You might not realize it but you are doing sooo much damage to your delicate skin. Also I have lots of tools at my disposal that you do not. (If you do you had better go and throw them away right now, cause you don't know what the crap you are doing!) When I say "tools" I do not just mean actual implements, but products with ingredients that are specifically designed to use for all aspects of acne.
The bottom line is that Acne is not something to fear. We can take it on! There are so many steps you can take before handing over your face to a doc, or just giving up. The more educated you are the better equipped you will be in having healthy skin. I am the perfect person to help educate you. Plus I love extracting blackheads! I know eewww gross, but don't think I don't know you secretly love it too. Too many of my teen clients have told me about Mom chasing them all over the house with a bobby pin to get the blackhead out! That's right they tattled on you!
Acne Treatments start as low as $35.00, and I promise you will see results. Sometimes it can take a series of treatments to really get a hold of the issue. Every ones skin is different, even from sibling to sibling. Sometimes it is just a matter of staying ahead of it. Call for more info on home care and scheduling. 801.913.6524
The truth of the matter is that Acne affects us through out our entire life. Some of us more when we were teenagers and some of us as adults. There are a variety of reasons each of us has breakouts. From hormones, what's in our diet, to what we are putting on our faces. Most of us feel like there is little we can do without taking a trip to the doc. Sometimes, though only in very serious cases, a trip to the doc can be just the ticket. Between using rubbing alcohol (eek! Don't do that!) as an astringent and an expensive trip to the office, there are many stops along the way. Hmmm...let me think... oh yeah! Like coming in to see me!
The best way to fight acne lesions is EDUCATION! You need to be educated about your skin and how it functions. And NO, the commercials on TV do not count! The more you know about your skin and what types of ingredients in products are best for acne the better off you are to fight, fight, fight! There are two ways we can take these little buggers head on.
Home care It is so important that you are using the correct products at home. The key word there is USING. No, not all products are created equal. If you aren't going to use them at all, then you might as well give up now. What you use at home is super important. Something that isn't strong enough, isn't gonna cut it. Something that is too strong is just gonna make matters worse. So, how do you know what product to use and if it is right for your skin? Easy, it's vital that you have a professional skin care therapist to head you in the right direction.
Clinical Acne Treatments Along with knowing what to do at home you need someone who knows there limits when it coming to "popping that zit". We are going to say extract the acne lesion. Not only does is sound nicer my way, it IS nicer. I know my limits. I won't dig, and dig, and dig until your are bleeding, red, and more swollen than when you started. You might not realize it but you are doing sooo much damage to your delicate skin. Also I have lots of tools at my disposal that you do not. (If you do you had better go and throw them away right now, cause you don't know what the crap you are doing!) When I say "tools" I do not just mean actual implements, but products with ingredients that are specifically designed to use for all aspects of acne.
The bottom line is that Acne is not something to fear. We can take it on! There are so many steps you can take before handing over your face to a doc, or just giving up. The more educated you are the better equipped you will be in having healthy skin. I am the perfect person to help educate you. Plus I love extracting blackheads! I know eewww gross, but don't think I don't know you secretly love it too. Too many of my teen clients have told me about Mom chasing them all over the house with a bobby pin to get the blackhead out! That's right they tattled on you!
Acne Treatments start as low as $35.00, and I promise you will see results. Sometimes it can take a series of treatments to really get a hold of the issue. Every ones skin is different, even from sibling to sibling. Sometimes it is just a matter of staying ahead of it. Call for more info on home care and scheduling. 801.913.6524
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Finally Some Eye Candy
Friday, August 27, 2010
Is your skin really clean?
What you clean your skin with is vitally important, but are you sure you are doing it right?
Thoroughly cleansing can make all the difference in the health of your skin. Lets talk double cleansing. Yes, that means two, twice, dos... eh you get the picture.
Start with your cleanser (professionally recommended I hope). Apply product to the palms of your hands and give it a good rubbing. Start at your decolletage (upper chest), move up towards your neck, and finally your face. Make sure that you are getting to all the crooks and crannies, the sides of your nose, hair line, and in front of your ears. Now, repeat two more times. I love the number three, so an easy rule of thumb is everything in threes. (OK except the double cleanse)
Rinse and repeat. Yup, do the same thing all over again.
The reason for all of this is to make sure that your removing all of the dirt, oil, and sometimes make up from your skin. It's kinda like that stubborn lasagna pan you can't get clean the first time you try to wash it. I know that is a terrible way to think of your skin, but you have to admit it's a pretty good analogy.
Now you are ready for the rest of your home care regimen. Wether it's exfoliating, using a mask or an easy day of eye cream and moisturizer, your are clean and fresh and ready to go :)
Thoroughly cleansing can make all the difference in the health of your skin. Lets talk double cleansing. Yes, that means two, twice, dos... eh you get the picture.
Start with your cleanser (professionally recommended I hope). Apply product to the palms of your hands and give it a good rubbing. Start at your decolletage (upper chest), move up towards your neck, and finally your face. Make sure that you are getting to all the crooks and crannies, the sides of your nose, hair line, and in front of your ears. Now, repeat two more times. I love the number three, so an easy rule of thumb is everything in threes. (OK except the double cleanse)
Rinse and repeat. Yup, do the same thing all over again.
The reason for all of this is to make sure that your removing all of the dirt, oil, and sometimes make up from your skin. It's kinda like that stubborn lasagna pan you can't get clean the first time you try to wash it. I know that is a terrible way to think of your skin, but you have to admit it's a pretty good analogy.
Now you are ready for the rest of your home care regimen. Wether it's exfoliating, using a mask or an easy day of eye cream and moisturizer, your are clean and fresh and ready to go :)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hate fish? Take a supplement. Your skin will thank you.
Ever wonder what those small red patches that sometimes have a white or yellow scale on top are? They are call Actinic Keratosis. They are usually found on the scalp, face, back of the neck, upper chest, backs of hands, and forearms. Some are more prone to them than others, like those of you who frequent tanning beds (ahem, none of my clients!), people who work outdoors, and people with fair skin.
Actinic Keratosis are precancerous lesions, though most don't actually become cancerous and if they do it could take years.
How can you help these? EASY! By making a small dietary change you can lower your risk of developing them by 28%! Black Cod, Canned Tuna, Herring, King Mackerel, Lake Trout, Salmon, Sardines, Shark, Swordfish, and Tile fish are all high in EPA and DHA, the bioavailable form of omega-3 fatty acids. Be careful though, alot of them can be high in mercury. You can also look for ways to supplement your diet (especially if you are like me and couldn't choke down fish to save your life!). Flax seed is high in omega-3 fatty acids but doesn't contain the EPA-DHA combo that is needed. Make sure you are finding a good fish oil supplement. It can be the small change you need to make to your daily routine that will make all of the difference:)
Actinic Keratosis are precancerous lesions, though most don't actually become cancerous and if they do it could take years.
How can you help these? EASY! By making a small dietary change you can lower your risk of developing them by 28%! Black Cod, Canned Tuna, Herring, King Mackerel, Lake Trout, Salmon, Sardines, Shark, Swordfish, and Tile fish are all high in EPA and DHA, the bioavailable form of omega-3 fatty acids. Be careful though, alot of them can be high in mercury. You can also look for ways to supplement your diet (especially if you are like me and couldn't choke down fish to save your life!). Flax seed is high in omega-3 fatty acids but doesn't contain the EPA-DHA combo that is needed. Make sure you are finding a good fish oil supplement. It can be the small change you need to make to your daily routine that will make all of the difference:)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Apple Facts
~An apple is 83% water (think eating your water) ~ A small apple can give you 60 calories, but larger apples give you 100 calories ~ Apples help protect the lungs and colon because they contain phytochemicals and flavonoids ~ Apples strengthen your heart by lowering bad cholesterol ~ Apples are great for healthy teeth and gum because they contain tannins that help fight gum disease and plaque :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tip of the Day
In an attmept to keep your body and skin hydrated, do you realize how many water bottles you are putting into the landfill? Instead try eating food that are rich in structured water, like raw fruits and veggies. They not only help the body hold onto water longer, but they have other super helpful ingredients for the body. Like antioxidants with fight free-radicals (think anti-aging), fiber and vitamins. Instead of picking up a regular bottle of water or a flavored one which is sure to have sugar or sugar subsitute, pick up some grapes instead:)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Almost there.....
Wow, I can't believe that we are 2 days from being up and running in Draper! Yay, no more driving to Eagle Mountain to be hair free! I am so excited to have everyone in to the new spa. Hopefully you will all feel relaxed and comfortable at the new place. It's got a new look and a new feel, and (I'm gonna use the same word)soooo EXCITING! Check back often for before and after pictures for Acne Treatments, Hyperpigmentation Treatments, and waxing (don't worry, no pictures for brazillian before and afters.)
If anyone needs any Glymed product or help switching from another product line to Glymed let me know. I will be carrying alot more Glymed product and it's going to be great to see the amazing changes we can accomplish together.
If anyone needs any Glymed product or help switching from another product line to Glymed let me know. I will be carrying alot more Glymed product and it's going to be great to see the amazing changes we can accomplish together.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Oh dear, my first post.
Well here we go, I hope this gets easier as I go along. I propose a toast, here is to my new/old business and the ride I am sure it will take me on. Please check back often to see how much I can mess this up :)
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